Shooting music videos

Shooting music videos

On Saturday 21st September, Manx filmmaker Will Sutton shot some music videos for me. We filmed two songs as live performances: ‘Fin as Oshin’ (Finn and Ossian) and ‘The road to Clady’. Both songs feature on my upcoming album. ‘Fin as Oshin’ is a traditional Manx Gaelic song, quick-paced and fiery. The melody to ‘The road to Clady’ is a traditional one that is shared between the Isle of Man and Ireland – the lyrics actually come from Ireland.

Dave, Ness and I (guitar, double bass and voice/piano respectively) made ourselves at home on the stage of my local Arts Centre, fueled by gigantic quantities of homemade brownies and tea. Filming was a new, but thoroughly enjoyable experience for us and we’re excited to see the finished results. Videos will be released on YouTube in the near future…. stay tuned on Fbook/Twitter for updates!

Manx photographer Phil Kneen came to document part of the filming process; here are some shots that he took…

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Ruth at piano + Will
Ness and bass